AEGIS:Conflict Resolution


Communication-based resolution

The primary method of conflict resolution used on DotF is: communication. It is important that members communicate including how to resolve any conflicts that their nations might encounter cooperatively.

Alternative resolution methods

To facilitate those times when members cannot agree on a resolution, or they just don't know how to resolve a particular situation, DotF offers two additional methods of conflict resolution.

Dice-based resolution


Staff-based resolution

If a specific conflict cannot be resolved using communication or dice, you can request a resolution from Staff by making a request in the #staff-tickets channel. Make sure you have tried to resolve the conflict on your own before you make a request of staff (you will be asked if you have). You cannot select which Staff member will resolve your conflict.

Be careful what you wish for.. because if you have requested that Staff resolve your conflict they will come up with a resolution however they see fit. Staff are not required to provide any explanation for their final resolution.

Generally Staff will resolve a conflict in a manner that best advances the development of nation and/or the game as a whole. Once Staff has established a resolution then this is final and cannot be reversed.