The Alvori have joined because they saw an opportunity, but also because they had been pressured into it. From the beginning they have been considered a minor species, and even though they have disagreed with the Nakalim slavery - they could do nothing about it. It all changed with the Great Secession War, as they have sided with the Stillions, and through this conflict they have become a major force within the UCS.
They are a peaceful and mostly pacifistic people, but some of the teens join the Black Nebula as a way to rebel.
Society & Culture
Most of their society just wants to live in peace and doesn't want any war. They are off course concerned by equality but they just live their lavish life's. They are very extraverted and it's uncommon to find any introverts in their ranks.
- Height: 180 cm - Weight: ~25-30 kg - Build: thin, slime like - Limbs: 4 - Attributes: they can go through thin spaces
Biological Notes
Lifespan 150-200 years
Traits & Abilities
They are made of slime, they can go through thin spaces